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Medication Disposal Locations in Utah

It’s about that time of year to start clearing your home of the old to make room for the new. Chances are most of us have a bin of medications somewhere in our house, filled with your typical generic medications, and maybe a few old prescription bottle you were hanging on to, just in case. […]

HEALTH FIND: Task Tracking App for ADHD

If there’s one thing that’s consistent in all the inconsistency with ADHD, it’s that it affects everyone differently. However, once you begin to identify in yourself and with the help of a licensed professional, you can begin to find new ways of doing things to lessen your struggle with ADHD. Let’s start by tackling a […]

4 Methods to Fall Asleep Quickly

Few things are worse than finishing up a long and exhausting day, leaving you only wanting to sleep, and then finding yourself lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. Believe us, we’ve been there. To help any of our Lotus Health patients, struggling to fall asleep, here are four techniques that […]